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Change management assessments

Assessments will establish a baseline of employee behaviors, workplace motivators and core talents. From that we can discover areas for training and development both individually and as a group. After implementation of the training, we can follow up individually or as a group with the trainees and their managers, ninety days to eighteen months to record progress. We measure

Communication Profiles
Opening the doorways for effective interpersonal communication between managers, employees, and team members will increase productivity and satisfaction on all levels. People are unique and must be managed, coached and supported in a way that capitalizes on their uniqueness.

Effective communication stems from the right combination of tone of voice, words, body language and pace of speech and actions. These four areas are the components of a person's behavioral style. We need to adapt our behavior in order to communicate effectively with others.

Success insights management-staff report
Wynn Solutions offers behavioral reports, which help individuals identify their communication style and how others perceive them. The profiles can be used in settings such as: Change management team building, Social Relationships, team member selections, change management planning, resolving conflict during times of change, time management and setting project goals for the change process.

Behavior Reports: Employee strengths, limitations, interest, attitudes and values
Behavioral reports are designed to increase self-awareness and to identify possible strengths and limitations of managers and employees. Knowing this information allows a person to determine stress points and eliminate potential productivity blockers. In addition to using the behavioral reports to manage employee stress and resistance during the change process, Wynn Solutions offers the Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values (Success Insights) report, which identifies personal motivators. When everyday activities satisfy personal motivators, a person's

Value of Assessment process for managers, leaders
Every person who has ever been in a position of leadership working daily with employees under their charge has thought to themselves "Iif I only had 10 more employees like Richard, running this business would be smooth sailing.” Resigned to their situation they simply get grateful for even having a Richard and hope their other people improve based on osmosis with Richard or maybe even some cookie-cutter, “one size fits all” yearly corporate training. There is a better solution.

The benchmark surveys give your organization the ability to diagnose your best performer, or performers and find out which behaviors, values, and traits they possess, and are willing to exhibit day-to-day that make them so effective. Armed with the measurable knowledge of why your best employees are so great you now have a definable portrait of what you know you want in your company. You can now assess the rest of your employees and discover scientifically how their behaviors, values, and traits differ from those of your best employee or employees. This gap in performance is measurable, easily explainable and can now be effectively addressed through need-based specifically customized employee training programs. In addition, you now know from your benchmark of “Richard” what type of employee you want to hire in the future so you do not have to hire bright, articulate people who may only interview well. Instead, you can hire based on your companies actual needs, getting the right people in the right position and moving into the future with a solid foundation for repeatable success.

Assessments: Accuracy vs. Precision

The surveys will give you a snapshot of what behaviors, workplace motivators, and core attributes make your top performers so effective.

The ability to reliably hire for talent is what great managers do differently

  • Accuracy is the ability to hit the bull's-eye
  • Precision is the ability to hit the same spot over and over again. Precision is repeatability.

Three points about the surveys:

  1. When you are hiring if you are accurate and not precise you hire the right person but cannot consistently hire the right person
  2. When you are hiring, if you are precise and not accurate you are repeating the same mistake over and over again
  3. When you are both accurate and precise you hire the right person for the right position and you can do it consistently.

The assessments allow us to more accurately define who we are and what we do. They allow us to locate these qualities in others creating a system for identifying behavior that enables us to learn from our mistakes and repeat what we want repeated.

Change management training program outlines
Location: on site or as a break-out session at a conference
Call toll free (888.833.2902) or email Wynn Solutions to try a sample assessment and discuss costs and availability.



Wynn Solutions | 1302 Waugh Dr. #534, Houston TX, 77019 | 888.833.2902 Toll Free | 713.864.2902 Local | [email protected]
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